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The Guide to CBD (Cannabidiol).

Updated: Mar 21, 2019

Firstly Cannabidiol or CBD is a component that has a few forms when sold.

The CBD is extracted from Industrial hemp of Cannabis Sativa plant family.

All of which are from the same family, Some bred for the industry where the plants been cultivated for fabric etc, this is mistaken for street cannabis or Medical Cannabis.

The plants have been bred to have a larger percentage as time as grown, where we can derive from Hemp instead of the minimal traces from other Strains which weren't necessarily legal here in the UK.

The cultivation of hemp has reached all the way back to would say were neolithic times for all sorts of reason, with many cultures & religions using its beneficial properties.

Present day the UK's growing market, which grows by the day it seems has many products in different qualities and prices.

Starting to appear in more interesting & often laughable forms with little more goal then to make a bit cash on the back of the industry.

Some product sold with barely any traces of the CBD compounds or fluctuating content of other cannabinoids making sticky situations with legal & workplace practices.

So when it comes to choosing CBD products it can be a minefield at the best of times...

What should I be looking for ?.

There are many terms but these are a few which are somewhat important.

Full Spectrum :

This is often a cannabinoid & terpene rich paste or extracts, formed through extraction closest to raw plant material or refined to make a distilled concentrate.

This form has a large number of Cannabinoids which has a vast array.

Often containing Thc in minimal amounts which don't give the effect of a high due to the minimal trace amounts within the plant or its extracts made into oils, etc...

This is often as good as it gets, as its directly formed from the raw content.

Due to the other compounds increasing the effects of the natural terpenes.

Broad spectrum:

Meaning the extract has undergone added extraction & forced filtering processes.

Often the CBD compounds have been limited to select levels, also reducing the terpenes.

This helps with reducing harsh tastes, as well as improving the visual appeal.

With certain Compounds aimed to be removed, such as THC to give more customers a safer option with work testing for recreational users of street cannabis.


Isolate Cannabidiol is often the purest form, which is used within Pharmaceutical Products.

Formed from the stricter extraction from the plant's oils to remove it's wax's & oil substances to create a crystalised form, also removing other potentially beneficial compounds & terpenes etc.

This form of CBD is often reduced in its effectiveness for some peoples conditions, although the market products aren't aimed to treat, solely as a supplement basis.

The benefits of this form are the lack of other compounds, which can avoid the rare fail of a drugs test at work or personal life situations due to the 0.0% THC levels & 99.9% CBD.

Due to its form, no flavour or colour its used a large amount by companies not wanting to put effort into effects.

Or any theoretical risk to the company & its profits, with the added pitch of 100% legal enticing new customers, potentially seeking relief from a chronic condition.

The Evidence of Cannabidiol is ever growing, so it should be treated with respect.

It is legal & Safe with no addictive side effects or potential harm.

which is backed by a World health Organisation Panel.

It is always important to consider the risks of stopping the medication for the use of CBD products, Or even with using alongside Prescribed Medications as some orally ingested products can enhance or cancel out the Medications when met at the Liver for metabolising.

CBD may increase concentrations of macrolides, calcium channel blockers, benzodiazepines, cyclosporine, sildenafil, antihistamines, haloperidol, antiretrovirals, and some statins (atorvastatin and simvastatin, but not pravastatin or rosuvastatin)

Antidepressants also, so CBD may increase SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, beta blockers and opioids including codeine and oxycodone.

(Source's /

So It is important to consult your Medical Consultant or GP before reducing your medication, they, however, may be sceptical but will always advise on the correct course of action in stopping the medications.

Lastly, CBD in certain doses may not affect everyone, certain preparations or delivery mechanism may give less or more benefit, So Keeping a dosage diary to help adapt in the minimum increases to find effectiveness is necessary.

I Hope this gives Insight to the Cannabidiol.

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